Lynne Featherstone MP visits local Tagore Centre

Lynne Featherstone MP with Dr Kalyan Kundu (Founder/Chairman) and the Tagore Centre volunteers at the Tagore CentreLynne Featherstone MP today visited the Tagore Centre, which is based above Alexandra Park Library. The Centre is dedicated to promoting the work and life of India’s Nobel laureate poet, writer and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore.

The Centre has a vast collection of materials, including hundreds of books, songs and paintings by Tagore himself. They hold regular social events to celebrate Tagore’s life and work.

The Centre describes Tagore as ‘the ambassador of Indian culture to the rest of the world.’ However, Tagore is not particularly well known in the west – something which the Centre seeks to change.

On arrival, the local MP was shown a video, explaining the work and aims of the Tagore Centre. The volunteers then gave presentations about Rabindranath Tagore, and their aims and ambitions for the future of the Centre.

The Liberal Democrat MP commended the volunteers on their work and offered advice on how to continue the work of the centre in the future.

Following the visit, Lynne Featherstone MP said:

“I was so pleasantly surprised to see the vast collection of Tagore’s work at the Centre, and I was happy to offer them some advice on how to carry on their work during these tough economic times.

“The dedication and passion of the volunteers was evident from the moment I stepped in.  They are working hard to promote Tagore and keep his work relevant in the modern day – and I highly commend them for it.

“I wish them all the best for the future, and will be on hand if they need further advice on how to continue their great work.”